TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return to Field) is a proven & humane approach to reducing the number of stray & feral cats over time.  Stray cats are cats that once had homes but were dumped or abandoned. Feral cats are cats born in the wild but somewhere in their lineage was a dumped or abandoned stray cat. It’s important to remember that “feral” is not a personality trait, but rather is a learned behaviour! Feral cats are simply cats that were not socialized around humans and therefore do not trust us.

The number of feral & stray cats is estimated to be in the tens of thousands in our community. This is a man-made problem that requires a community-wide commitment to fix. Domestic cats are not native wildlife. They suffer frostbite, hypothermia and heat stroke trying to survive outside. They need our help.

TNR programs involve volunteers who trap, neuter and return cats to managed colonies with food, water & shelter. Colonies can be small (4 or 5 cats in residential areas) or they can be larger (usually in commercial or agricultural areas).

Hearts to Homes is not a colony caretaker; rather we support colony caretakers in Brantford & Brant County by donating food and helping with spays/neuters/vaccines.

Learn more: Ontario OSPCA and Humane Society Feral Cat Support Programs

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